To unlock savings with exclusive coupons, we invite you to join the Haleon Huddle at Haleon Huddle is a platform that brings together all Haleon healthcare brands, offering personalized health and wellness tips, content, and big savings on products including Sensodyne and more. To access coupons, visit and click on the "Coupons" tab. You need to verify your email address to be able to receive emails including coupons.  

Joining Haleon Huddle allows you to receive communications across a variety of health and wellness topics based on your selected interest areas. You can expect to receive 2-4 emails per month, which will include the latest news relevant to your health needs and savings on Haleon products. 

Haleon Huddle offers over $70 worth of health coupons and savings across Haleon’s brands including Sensodyne. The discount amount varies per product, ranging from $1 to $5 off. These coupons can be used at most retailers across the country, including Walmart, CVS, Rite-Aid, and Target. To use your discount coupons in a store, you need to print the coupons and bring it with you. Scan the barcode at the register to apply your discount. Make sure you have printed your coupon on paper as some retailers do not accept coupons scanned off a mobile phone or electronic device. 

The coupon center is always available, but each coupon can only be printed and used twice every six months. Coupons expire at the end of every calendar year. Once you activate the coupon by printing it or saving it as a PDF, you can use it right away. 

Haleon Huddle is completely free for consumers. We're here to support your journey to a healthier and happier life.